

Gamble, gamble, gamble.

Bots or Pros? Potato, Potaato.

I do not feel negative about this being strategic end-game for humans v bots in online poker. I’ve watched the Terminator Movies and Planet of the Apes, the monkeys always survive.

The Dualistic Jazz Rags of Poker

Not really Olga’s fault if men who win at poker cannot also pop on a nice bra and sell extra magazines to other men in poker.

Get A Grip On Your Handbags

I have never been mugged at knife point, nor beaten senseless and robbed. Never been carjacked nor held up at gunpoint. There is no immediate single event that I can point towards in my past that excuses the instant trigger to victim-blaming the guy who had his money stolen from him because he left his bag of cash under a chair whilst he wandered off.

Chad Done Already Done Had Herses

The only people who get to be negative, snarky or bitchy about a live poker event are players who have given their own time and money to play and feel let down by organisers.

Live Use of RTA: Real Time Attitudes Required

Punters gonna punt, and punters come in all shapes and level of IQ and financial wealth. This is not an accusation of stupidity. Of the people who dismiss all learning of previous humans, a very tiny percentage absolutely do change the world. Life is a matter of faith and some punters are not followers the church of maths and statistics.

The Woman Card Is Marked

I will assert that, in this case, the reason the accusation happened as quick and hot-headed as it did was relative to the gender-presentation of the player accused of cheating, and that this is problematic to poker irrespective of the outcome of the investigation.

What’s The B**** Done Now?

"There are a lot of cocky little shits like me, from all walks of life and in all industries, poker no exception, but what I find fascinating/cruel is the amount of normally quiet shrimps that wiggle out of the dirt when a female does something."

All American Down and Out: Kick Him

This isn’t Jeff Bezozzzzz. It’s a guy with some lettuce in a truck

PokerPaintings: The Inevitable Art Heist

I’m ambivalent about the recent poker-world furore around a NFT/Digital artist robbing off real life poker photographers. I’m opinionated, and unused to being undecided I’m more concerned about sorting out the moral aspect in my mind, because although I am... Continue Reading →

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